Carpe diem: President Trump proves he’s ‘more presidential than anyone’

The Democrats don’t like it, but President Trump is living up to one more promise.

No, I’m not talking about his promise to build the wall, but rather his promise to be “more presidential than any president that’s held this office” with the exception of “the late, great Abraham Lincoln.”

That probably should have made Democrats tremble rather than guffaw because Trump was telling us that he would wield presidential power ruthlessly in service of a moral cause. President Lincoln is widely considered one of our greatest presidents just because he found answers to problems that others could only wring their hands over. He took action and waited for history to sort it out. Well, history has been kind to Lincoln, and I have no doubt it will also be kind to Donald Trump for working tirelessly to protect America from its own stubborn refusal to face facts.

Borders necessary? Drugs dangerous? Illegal immigrants killing Americans on a regular basis? Women and children being exploited by coyotes?

Yes, Democrats, there is a humanitarian and national security crisis on the border, no matter how long and how tightly you have kept your eyes shut. And if Congress won’t take action to solve the crisis, then that means we have a national emergency as well.

Of course, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer don’t like it. Here was there statement in advance of the president’s official announcement.

“Declaring a national emergency would be a lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency and a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that President Trump broke his core promise to have Mexico pay for his wall.”

Lawless? That just shows that Nancy and Chuck are clueless!

President Trump has seized the day and invoked the powers granted him under the National Emergencies Act of 1976 that was passed by Congress specifically to meet such needs as currently exist on the southern border. Under the act, Congress has the power to overturn the national emergency declaration if it can muster the votes, but the only thing “lawless” would be to pretend the law does not exist.

Will Mexico pay for the Wall? Frankly, I don’t give a damn, but if President Trump doesn’t have his hands tied by a do-nothing Congress, I have no doubt he has the ingenuity and the will to get it done. Carpe diem!

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Frank Miele writes from Kalispell, Montana, at and is a columnist at Real Clear Politics. To see more of my columns about the Dishonest Media, the Deep Swamp, the failed presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and Trump’s war to restore American greatness, read my “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy. The books are available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle editions. Also please considering leaving a review in support of my conservative commentary on one or all of my book pages at Amazon! Thanks!

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3 Replies to “Carpe diem: President Trump proves he’s ‘more presidential than anyone’”

  1. Well stated, Frank ! President Trump has more courage alone than the 535 Congressional members combined, and I’m sure it’s a shock to them all that he actually keeps his promises to the people verses making their usual election-time litany of promises they have no intention of fulfilling ! Keep up the good work !

  2. President Trump is going to be listed next to Abe as the wall will last for decades as will his court choices. That, along with his work with Asia is going to be acknowledged soon as well. Trump for the Nobel! RLS

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