Democrats continue assault on the Heartland as they blame Iowa for own failures

If you turn on your TV this morning, you will probably see a headline similar to this one on MSNBC:

“Delay fuels doubts about Iowa’s first-in-nation status.”

The Democratic Party badly bungled it’s caucus process in Iowa last night, so the first thing the Fake News Media does is blame Iowa.

Folks, the Democratic Party runs those caucuses, not the state of Iowa — and if you want to look for blame, you can start with the know-it-all Democrats. As President Trump pointed out, this is not the first time that Democrats have proven to be tech-challenged.

So why are Democrats blaming Iowa? That’s just what they do. They never accept responsibility for anything. It’s always someone else’s fault — usually someone with money unless his name happens to be Bloomberg or Biden.

Meanwhile, President Trump set a record in Iowa for record turnout for an incumbent president at the GOP caucuses. Did you see the video of Trump challenger Joe Walsh being shamed by the large crowd at one of the caucuses?

That’s good stuff!

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But getting back to the Democrats, just ask yourself why anyone takes them seriously? How can they criticize Iowa Democrats for not being able to run a caucus when the evidence is plain that Democrats can’t run anything right except a con game?

You need evidence? How about every major city in the country? To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, “Chicago, New York, Detroit, and it’s all on the same dead-end street. Your typical city involving your typical nightmare.”

Syringes, excrement, drugs and crime — that’s the future the Democrat Party wants to bring to Iowa and the rest of the country. Today San Francisco, tomorrow the world!

EARLIER: The Heartland Strikes Back (or: how impeachment failed)


Frank Miele has spent four decades in the news business and now offers conservative commentary to counter the left-wing bias in the national media. If you enjoy reading these daily essays, I hope you will consider purchasing one of my books. They are available through the following Amazon links. My new book — “The Media Matrix: What if everything you know is fake?” — shows that Fake News has been around for years. The “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy tackles the politics of the last two decades: Part 1 is subtitled “Bush’s Global Failure: Half Right.” Part 2 is “Obama’s Fundamental Transformation: Far Left.” Part 3 is “Trump’s American Vision: Just Right.” As an Amazon Associate, I may earn referral fees for qualifying purchases through links on my website. Also consider subscribing to Heartland Diary on YouTube by clicking here for News Every Conservative Can Use. My goal is to reach 1,000 subscribers.

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