“Why We Needed Trump”: a timely reminder
Fellow MAGA advocates: Don’t get discouraged! There is a reason why we supported Donald Trump in 2016, and that reason is just as valid today as ever — because we…
News Every Conservative Can Use
Fellow MAGA advocates: Don’t get discouraged! There is a reason why we supported Donald Trump in 2016, and that reason is just as valid today as ever — because we…
Here’s my column from Real Clear Politics today. I hope this warning from Barry Goldwater in 1974 about Fake News reaches a lot of ears in 2018. Thanks again to…
I want to do a special shout-out tonight to Roseann Quinn, a friend of Heartland Diary USA, who provided the subject matter for my Monday column at RealClearPolitics.com. Quinn sent…
Sad to see Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announce his resignation. I’ve known Ryan for most of the last two decades, and I know him to be honorable, hard-working and smart…
Imagine my surprise when a federal judge in Texas actually relied on the U.S. Constitution to determine whether the Affordable Care Act was legally passed by the Congress. Of course…
Well, it looks like the Republican Party is in full suicide mode again! Or maybe they are dead already? After all why do they have this morbid interest in autopsies?…
President Trump went on offense today, giving a no-nonsense interview to Harris Faulkner at Fox News in which he dismissed the fake campaign charges against Michael Cohen as an attempt…
In case you needed a reminder why we need to fight Islamic fundamentalism, a jihadi warrior shot up a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France yesterday. Nuff said? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/strasbourg-christmas-market-attack-france-arrests-manhunt-suspect-extremism-2018-12-12/ For more…
President Donald Trump met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer today regarding budget negotiations and he ensured that the pair of dangerous Dems would not lie about the meeting by…
The whining by the media pundits about how Trump was surprised and embarrassed by Nick Ayers not becoming his new chief of staff was SO predictable! In fact, I predicted…