Border overwhelmed? Blame the defenders!
How infuriating! ABC’s chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl blames America for the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our border with nowhere to go but a prison…
News Every Conservative Can Use
How infuriating! ABC’s chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl blames America for the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our border with nowhere to go but a prison…
My column at Real Clear Politics usually runs on Monday, but I couldn’t wait that long to challenge Yahoo News reporter Michael Isikoff for touting the Fake News that a…
A group of Hispanic pastors toured the same border detention facility that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited, but unlike her they found no horrific conditions, no women drinking out of toilets, nothing…
I stayed up late last night to watch a great president make history in North Korea. I woke up early to watch a pack of Democrat jackals nip at his…
I’ve written several times (here and here) about the enigma of journalist Andrew Sullivan, who may be the ultimate swing voter. He is capable of brilliant insights about the dangers…
Is it just me, or was the JV night of the Democratic debacle — er, debate — much more interesting, entertaining and informative than the star-studded spectacle the following night?…
You probably read about the knitting interest-group website that banned Trump supporters. That makes about as much sense as a grocery store banning food lovers, right? But at least the…
Wow! Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness! The “mea no culpa” written by Google exec Jen Gennai on Medium yesterday shows a callow shallowness not seen since the days…
You will be able to catch me on the June 23 segment of the “Liberty Nation” radio show. Host Tim Donner and I discuss my new book “The Media Matrix”…
“What you are shouts so loud I cannot hear what you say.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson If ever Emerson’s words were given better exposition than yesterday by the New York Times,…