Just because it’s on Fox doesn’t mean it isn’t fake
Sadly, more and more of the news coverage on Fox News is slanted against President Trump and conservatives. Fox Business is usually much better, but even there you should not…
News Every Conservative Can Use
Sadly, more and more of the news coverage on Fox News is slanted against President Trump and conservatives. Fox Business is usually much better, but even there you should not…
Fellow MAGA advocates: Don’t get discouraged! There is a reason why we supported Donald Trump in 2016, and that reason is just as valid today as ever — because we…
Here’s my column from Real Clear Politics today. I hope this warning from Barry Goldwater in 1974 about Fake News reaches a lot of ears in 2018. Thanks again to…
The whining by the media pundits about how Trump was surprised and embarrassed by Nick Ayers not becoming his new chief of staff was SO predictable! In fact, I predicted…
You’ve heard of PT Barnum’s famous slam on American consumers: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Well, Robert Mueller has made it his special mission in life to prove that…
Hi friends. You can now purchase all three volumes of “Why We Needed Trump” on Amazon. Check out my author page here to see all my books in one place.…
Exciting news, friends. The first volume in the Heartland Diary series of books is now available as a Kindle eBook and will be available in a paperback edition in the…
Two great articles by two of the best climate realists should help debunk the national climate assessment released a couple of weeks ago. Bjorn Lomborg says the media got it…
Great column by reporter Sharyl Attkisson posted at The Hill today: “More questions than answers in too many Trump stories.” A blistering analysis of a New York Times piece that…
From time to time, I propose to examine the national media’s performance as independent arbiters of the news. This week it’s ABC’s “This Week with Clintonista George Stephanopoulos.” Ahem! The…