Joe Walsh running for president? Get a flyswatter! (VIDEO)
In my mind, there is nothing more despicable in the world of politics than a hypocrite — a person who turns his back on spoken principles for the sake of…
News Every Conservative Can Use
In my mind, there is nothing more despicable in the world of politics than a hypocrite — a person who turns his back on spoken principles for the sake of…
The fallout from Patrick Byrne’s wild tale about the Deep State coup against President Trump is continuing. It kind of reminds me of the efforts of J. Edgar Hoover and…
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne on Thursday announced his resignation as head of the company he founded 20 years ago. This came in the wake of public allegations that Byrne made…
Last week, when I wrote a column for Real Clear Politics about Kasie Hunt’s outrageous statement that President Trump was “ready to wage a race war” in order to win…
You probably heard the president’s tirade lashing out at weepy Rashida Tlaib for playing politics with her elderly grandmother when all she really wanted to do was hurt Israel. It…
The August 10 death of Jeffrey Epstein in his prison cell in New York has ensured that we will be deluged with movies, documentaries, miniseries, books, essays and conspiracy theories…
My column at Real Clear Politics this week exposes the role of MSNBC host Kasie Hunt in shilling for the Democratic Party. Get Trump 2.0 is all about the fake…
Roger Simon of PJMedia wrote a piece praising Real Clear Politics yesterday, and I just had to share it. This has nothing to do with the fact that I am…
Busy week, but felt like I finally had to weigh in on the Fredo Cuomo controversy. You know the background: CNN host Chris Cuomo was out with his family on…
My column Monday at Real Clear Politics is a hard-hitting piece about how MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party. Exhibit…