The era of the kinder, gentler Planned Parenthood is over. If you blinked, you missed it.
On Tuesday, we found out that Leana Wen was forced out as president of the “abortion rights” lobbying giant just eight months after taking over. It seems that she had been determined to de-emphasize lobbying and re-emphasize what the organization always claimed to be — a provider of women’s health services.
Wen was booted because the board realized that she was not on board with their political agenda. Here’s how Wen described it:
“I came to Planned Parenthood to run a national health care organization and to advocate for the broad range of public health policies that affect our patients’ health… The new Board leadership has determined that the priority of Planned Parenthood moving forward is to double down on abortion rights advocacy.”
Interestingly, that second sentence appears in the letter posted as an image on Twitter, but it was cleansed from the searchable version on Facebook. Its absence proves that it is the Rosetta Stone to understanding what just happened. Wen briefly exposed the nefarious truth, then was convinced to cover it up again. Remember, you heard it here first — Planned Parenthood is going “to double down on abortion-rights advocacy.” Planned Parenthood is a lobbying firm, not a health-care provider. (They also fired their Chinese immigrant leader in an apparent racist attack on a “woman of color,” but we won’t hear much about that!)

Ariana Eunjung Cha at the Washington Post explained why this change happened when it did at an emergency secret meeting of the board of Planned Parenthood:
The board’s announcement came a day after the Trump administration implemented a new rule cutting off funding for family planning clinics that offer abortion referrals or services. Planned Parenthood stands to lose about $60 million a year — a blow that could transform the kinds of reproductive services available to poor women and girls across the country.
Got that? President Trump was on to the Planned Parenthood scam — collecting millions in federal funding and then using the money to fund lobbying campaigns to promote abortion and ultimately to elect pro-abortion Democrats — and he shut the spigot on the corrupt practices.
In a larger sense, the retrenchment of Planned Parenthood back to its radical roots as a promoter of eugenics through abortion is symbolic of what we are bound to see over the next eight months in the Democratic primary race. The party will try to adopt a “kinder, gentler” face to convince voters that they will govern in a reasonable, moderate way to benefit the country as a whole, but sooner or later, the knives will come out and the “moderate” candidates like Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Michael Bennet will be eviscerated. Just as Planned Parenthood is an advocacy group for abortion, Democrats are an advocacy group for socialism. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that direction had better get out of the way.
But just as Planned Parenthood has met its match in President Trump, so too the Democratic Socialist ultimately nominated to face off against him in 2020 will be vanquished and sent packing.
If you enjoy reading these daily essays, I hope you will consider purchasing one of the books of the “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy. Part 1 is subtitled “Bush’s Global Failure: Half Right.” Part 2 is “Obama’s Fundamental Transformation: Far Left.” Part 3 is “Trump’s American Vision: Just Right.” My new book is “The Media Matrix: What if everything you know is fake?” They are available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle editions. Also visit Heartland Diary on YouTube at