Peggy Noonan hates Trump more than she loves truth
I am so sick of snooty Peggy Noonan. She has managed to skate as a serious conservative for the past 30 years on her reputation as a speech writer for…
News Every Conservative Can Use
I am so sick of snooty Peggy Noonan. She has managed to skate as a serious conservative for the past 30 years on her reputation as a speech writer for…
As Wednesday’s sham impeachment hearing dragged on into the early evening, it became obvious that one significant casualty would be the Democratic presidential debate being held on MSNBC. Even if…
The most important news about Ukraine today is not about the fake “bombshell” testimony of Ambassador Gordon Sondland; it is the news that the founder of Burisma Holdings has been…
Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, delivered the first effective attack on the Fake News testimony of Ambassador Gordon Sondland at the sham impeachment hearing today. CNN, Fox News and the rest…
My column at Real Clear Politics today is a look at the ugly symbiotic relationship between tabloid cable TV news coverage and the impeachment hoax. I realized while watching CNN…
It’s no secret that Leland Vittert is a far-left activist masquerading as a TV journalist at Fox News. I wrote about his famous ambush of Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro…
I guess when I decided to watch the Sham Impeachment Hearing on CNN, I should have known I would have to suffer through complete idiocy. But I was completely unprepared…
The social media giants like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are desperate to steer their users leftward into a world where everyone thinks alike and no dissent is allowed. I’ve been…
Sadly I have now been smacked with a “community standards” violation by YouTube, which is to say Google, for my video of Rand Paul’s outstanding challenge to the media to…
The Department of Homeland Security today is in search of either another acting secretary or, if possible, a permanent secretary to serve for the remainder of President Trump’s first term.…