Further thoughts on the persecution of Tucker Carlson
Media Matters is continuing its assault on Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but Carlson is vigorously fighting back, perhaps having learned a lesson from Donald J Trump that you never…
News Every Conservative Can Use
Media Matters is continuing its assault on Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but Carlson is vigorously fighting back, perhaps having learned a lesson from Donald J Trump that you never…
The latest attack by Media Matters on Tucker Carlson happily gives me occasion to celebrate a February essay by Jack Cashill on “the death of irreverence.” Cashill’s topic was Virginia…
To celebrate the publication of “The Media Matrix,” my exposé of the Fake News Media, all three volumes of the “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy are available as ebooks at…
People who care about our culture can’t stop thinking about how to save our culture. It’s not just about American exceptionalism either. We are the point of the spear, but…
The most magnificent part of Orson Welles’ “The Magnificent Ambersons” is his own narration of the story of entitlement and arrogance. Perhaps the most famous quote about George Amberson Minafer…
To celebrate the publication of “The Media Matrix,” my exposé of the Fake News Media, all three volumes of the “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy are available as ebooks at…
To celebrate the publication of “The Media Matrix,” my exposé of the Fake News Media, all three volumes of the “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy are available as ebooks at…
Ugh! Thank God the Boston Globe doesn’t run foreign policy! The headline on today’s editorial — “Want to stop border crossings? Give aid to Central America” — is about as…
As many of you know, I was a sworn enemy of Fake News long before President Trump popularized the term. I have now collected nearly 100 of my best columns…
If we needed more evidence (we don’t) that the Fake News Media is a left-wing filter of information whose (sole?) purpose is destroying Trump, we got it in spades on…