No way GOP loses if it comes down to Bernie vs. Biden

My Monday column predicting the state of the Democratic Party after Super Tuesday proved to be less than prescient.

I had anticipated a less substantial win for Joe Biden in South Carolina, and certainly expected one-time leader Pete Buttigieg, one-time debate winner Amy Klobuchar, and one-time pandering oligarch Tom Steyer to remain in the race through tonight’s Super Tuesday contests. Instead they all dropped out, and Buttigieg and Klobuchar (along with gun grabber Beto O’Rourke) endorsed Biden.

The momentum for Biden proved to be a game changer, and crushed the hopes of Mini Mike Bloomberg to be the last moderate standing. As a result, the likelihood of a contested convention has diminished back close to zero. Although Bloomberg is collecting delegates tonight, it now looks like essentially a two-man fight between Biden and Communist Bernie Sanders, with the edge going to Biden.

But the basic premise of my column, “The Unbearable Incompetence of Democrats,” was incontrovertible. Even if they win, Democrats will just screw it up. A Bernie vs. Biden race will expose the internecine warfare at the heart of the Democrat Party, but at least the establishment seems to realize Bernie is a disaster waiting to happen. America doesn’t want to elect a communist.

But what about Joe? The results of Super Tuesday bring back into relevance my January column, “Are Dems Crazy? How Can Biden Still Be Their No. 1 Choice?” More than ever, it does seem like Democrats don’t care about corruption, they are willing to overlook senility and yes they are total batshit crazy if they nominate Quid Pro Joe!

Plus, if anyone thinks that Bernie Sanders supporters are going to turn out in large numbers for corrupt Joe Biden in November, they need to visit a re-education center for an update on their thinking nodule. And if Democrats, can’t motivate their voters, then President Trump will win re-election easily.

I know, I know… I’m not a prophet, but a Democrat Party divided against itself cannot long stand.


Frank Miele has spent four decades in the news business and now offers conservative commentary to counter the left-wing bias in the national media. If you enjoy reading these daily essays, I hope you will consider purchasing one of my books. They are available through the following Amazon links. My new book — “The Media Matrix: What if everything you know is fake?” — shows that Fake News has been around for years. The “Why We Needed Trump” trilogy tackles the politics of the last two decades: Part 1 is subtitled “Bush’s Global Failure: Half Right.” Part 2 is “Obama’s Fundamental Transformation: Far Left.” Part 3 is “Trump’s American Vision: Just Right.” As an Amazon Associate, I may earn referral fees for qualifying purchases through links on my website. Also consider subscribing to Heartland Diary on YouTube by clicking here for News Every Conservative Can Use. My goal is to reach 1,000 subscribers.

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